Samsung Note 10

Категория: Розыгрыш призов
Добавлен: 11.08.2020

Conversion: Finish signup form.
Traffic: HK traffic only
Incentivised: NO
Cash Incentivised: NO
Contextual :YES
Banner: YES
Email: YES
Search: YES
Coreg: NO
Terms and Conditions:
- Publishers can only use approved creative.
- only HK traffic allowed
- Paid Minimum Age - 21. Users below this age will not be paid for.
- The Advertiser reserves the right to check the validation of the lead up to 72 hours after the user registered.
- strictly no incentivized traffic
- no misuse of 3rd party brands If these terms are not followed publishers will not be paid for any leads delivered.
Please have all pages approved by your affiliate managers before running the offer.
NO INSTANT WINNER, suggesting the user has won a potential prize is allowed.
CAP for a publisher: 100 leads/day