
Категория: Микро-займы
Добавлен: 24.08.2021


Description of the company: SuperSim - BR CPL - Fintech/Finance/Personal Loan CPL comission on the value of the loan contracted Pixel Fires: after the loan application is complete and verified from R$500 to R$2.500

Type of the advertisement campaign: CPL

Description of the accepted action:
Unique registration submitted on
complete the form in the landing (all the steps)
Mínimum loans: r$ 500 a r$ 2500 Interested rate 17% User fills form for the approval, if they don’t give the money in 30 minutos, they will give the loan for free Bank account: brasil caixa, Itaú Bradesco, Santander
CPA: for approved rate : 6% - 10% Daily aprovals Detailed infos: *Personal Loan with warranty (with samsung cell phone warranty) - Value=> 500,00 - 2.500,00 reais (12 X) 1. Type of employment: CLT, civil servant, retired, pensioner and Self-employed
2. Monthly income: above R $ 1,200, without negativity
3. Compatible cell phone brand: Samsung only, of any model
4. Age: 22 - 55 years (CLT), or up to 70 (retired or pensioner)
5. States of residence: Nationwide Brazil (all)
6. Current bank account: Itaú, Bradesco, Santander, Banco do Brasil, Caixa Econômica Federal
7. Loan amount requested: up to R $ 2,500
*Personal Loan without warranty - Value=> 500,00 - 2.500,00 reais (12 X)
1. Type of employment: CLT, civil servant, retired, pensioner

2. Monthly income: above R $ 1,200, without negativity
3. You don't need a cell phone as a guarantee
4. Age: 22 - 55 years (CLT), or up to 70 (retired or pensioner)
5. States of residence: SP, RJ, SC, PR, RS, MG, MS, MT, GO, DF, ES (practically all of Brazil, except North and Northeast)
6. Current bank account: Itaú, Bradesco, Santander, Banco do Brasil, Caixa Econômica Federal
7. Loan amount requested: up to R $ 2,500
*Subjects and Headlines that lead user to think they are PRE APPROVED are NOT ALLOWED If that happens, all conversions will be canceled immediately.
*Não são permitidos assuntos e manchetes que levem o usuário a pensar que estão PRÉ-APROVADOS Se isso acontecer, todas as conversões serão canceladas imediatamente.

Description of the reasons, for which the action may be declined: Client is younger than 18 years old and older than 60 years old

Geotargeting: Brasil, BR

Life length of the cookie file: 30 days by default

Time for processing and confirming of the results: Live Tracking, valid report once a month

Accepted traffic sources: E-mail Marketing, Display, Push Media, Contextual. Nationwide
*Subjects and Headlines that lead user to think they are PRE APPROVEDare NOT ALLOWED If that happens, all conversions will be canceled immediately.

Forbidden traffic sources: NO incent, NO cashback, NO cupon), No incent traffic allowed

CPA-сеть Рейтинг Целевое действие Уровень
Гео Профит
Admitad 7.3 LeadEmprestimo 1 7.49 BRL
LeadGid 6.8 CPL Verified 1 4.30 BRL