Jeff App

Категория: Микро-займы
Добавлен: 26.01.2021

Jeff App VN CPQL Type of the advertisement campaign: CPQL
Geotargeting: Viet Nam.
Life length of the cookie file: 30 days by default
Description of the accepted action: : Correctly completed loan application form (CPQL) only for new customers, created with Jeff App & follwing successful registration with one of tailored offers after that. Age: 20-55 years Income: at least VND 1 million per month
FORBIDDEN traffic sources:
- Brand bidding (advertising on brand)
- incent / motivated traffic
- brokerage traffic - Email spam
- SMS spam.

CPA-сеть Рейтинг Целевое действие Уровень
Гео Профит
LeadGid 6.8 CPL (approved application) 1 8.00 USD