Harappa Education

Категория: Тематические курсы
Добавлен: 26.03.2021

Company Description: Harappa is an online learning institution that builds competencies to liberate people’s potential in their chosen line of work. Their unique curriculum is designed around foundational Habits critical to achieve professional success and personal meaning.

They believe that Good Habits Make Great Careers, whether you are starting your career, leading a team or building something of your own. Habits, we believe, are powerful catalysts that accelerate our daily performance and long-term growth.

Harappa's pedagogical approach is rooted in academic research, expert insights and behavior sciences . Campaign Description: It is a CPS (Cost per Sale) campaign in which affiliate must divert the traffic to advertiser site and deliver sales. Advertiser offering their affiliates to run it Pan INDIA with the targeting of audience which mentioned under the targeting criteria. All allowed promotional methods are selected under traffic sources.