
Категория: Интернет решения
Добавлен: 20.07.2018

TechSmith is the go-to company for visual communication. They help anyone create professional, impactful videos and images to share their knowledge with others. TechSmith provides practical business and academic software products that can dramatically change how people communicate and collaborate.

What Makes TechSmith Different? Most people struggle to communicate effectively. Whether it’s giving feedback on a project, teaching a course, or training others, it’s hard to make sure people understand.

 The problem is if your message isn’t quick and engaging, your communication will fail. TechSmith helps you create high-quality images and videos for better communication. You need to share important information without wasting time or being ignored. The good news is that you can instantly start communicating more effectively. You just need a new approach.

They’ve spent the last 25 years helping millions of people create visuals to get their point across in a faster, more engaging way. TechSmith helps the customers easily create images and videos to communicate more effectively.

Their products are used by 30 million users in over 180 countries. As a TechSmith Affiliate, you can promote the award-winning apps Snagit and Camtasia to US, German, French and Japanese audience! Snagit  TechSmith Snagit gives users the tools to communicate ideas visually and create shareable content. Users can capture or record their screen and then tailor it to fit their needs. Camtasia TechSmith Camtasia is a reliable screen recording and video editing tool that helps users convey their message conveniently and effectively, no matter the audience.