REBEL - Empréstimo Pessoal

CPA: Вернуться к офферам сети «leadgid»
Категория: Потребительские кредиты
Добавлен: 10.04.2021

REBEL - Empréstimo Pessoal - BR CPS%

Description of the company: REBEL - Empréstimo Pessoal - BR CPS% - Fintech/Finance/Personal Loan Revshare commission on the value of the loan contracted Pixel Fires: after loan is contracted/approved Loans from R$1.000 to R$30.000 but they also can loan R$ 500 Interested rate: 2% until 8.9% monthly Quotes: maxime 36 months

Type of the advertisement campaign: CPS (REV.SH)

Description of the accepted action:
Unique registration submitted on
Registration 4 steps:
Personal information / address and professional info, incomes, if it is PJ, or CLT, or/ Bank connection / Bank account info Target: AB class, 25 years old, needs to have incomes. But no restriction of minimum age of target.
Does not allow negativados.

Description of the reasons, for which the action may be declined: Client is younger than 18 years old and older than 60 years old
Does not allow negativados.

Geotargeting: Brasil, BR

Life length of the cookie file: 30 days by default

Time for processing and confirming of the results: Live Tracking, valid report once a month

Accepted traffic sources: Display, Content Website, Contextual, Email, Push Notification, Social ads, Native ads, Influencers. Nationwide *Subjects and Headlines that lead user to think they are PRE APPROVED
are NOT ALLOWED If that happens, all conversions will be canceled immediately.

Forbidden traffic sources: NO incent, NO cashback, NO cupon) Nationwide No incent traffic allowed