
Категория: Потребительские кредиты
Добавлен: 25.04.2016
Обновлен: 18.10.2016

CreditMantri was created with the intent to change the way credit is delivered in India by leveraging the power of technology and the digital medium. Their unique model is built on the premise that when information is transparently made available to both borrowers and lenders, decision making is simple and noise free.

Borrowers gain by having a better control over their credit health and thereby making an informed product choice. Borrowers also benefit by applying only to those lenders willing to lend to them and opting for credit products, credit improvement services at price points acceptable to them. Lenders gain by not having to waste time and energy sifting through applications which don't match their lending criteria.  

CreditMantri ensure that users data is safe and secure with them. CreditMantri uses bank grade security to protect end user data. The nature of information they process and store is similar to other financial services companies user already use. They use SSL (secure Socket Layer) for establishing an encrypted link between user's browser and their website.

All the data which user transmit to CreditMantri is transmitted securely. they also additionally encrypt data related to account and credit card information while storing it into the system. Data privacy is important to them. All information they collect is based on user consent. In addition, information about a borrower is shared with lenders only after taking an explicit consent.