
CPA: Вернуться к офферам сети «admitad»
Категория: Книги, электронные книги
Добавлен: 11.05.2017
Обновлен: 11.05.2017

AbeBooks is an online marketplace listing millions of new, used, rare and out-of-print books and other collectible items, as well as cheap textbooks. We connect you with thousands of professional booksellers in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Readers can find bestsellers, collectors can find rare books, students can find new and used textbooks, and treasure hunters can find long-lost books.

The unique inventory of books for sale from booksellers includes the world’s finest antiquarian books dating back to the 15th century, countless out-of-print gems, millions of signed books, millions of used copies, a vast selection of college textbooks and new books too.

CPA-сеть Рейтинг Целевое действие Уровень
Гео Профит
Admitad 7.3 Paid order 1 +227 5.20 %
Actionpay 6.5 CPS 1 4 %
Actionpay 6.5 Оплаченный заказ 1 4 %